Is It Time For Tom Brady To Retire?

Maybe but maybe not.

The man is 42 years old, playing a game that most professional retire from when they’re in their early 30s.

Last night, the Patriots lost their first wildcard game since 2009.  This morning, there’s a lot of talk about how “the dynasty is over.”  That’s the usual response from sports analysts whenever a top tier team has a bad night but it still seems like Brady’s age is finally catching up to him.

There are a lot of rumors that Brady is going to retire or that he’s going to go to the Chargers.  I think that last night’s game actually makes it more likely that Brady’s going to re-sign with the Patriots.  Tom Brady is a born competitor.  That’s one of the reasons why this 6th-round draft pack has become one of the greatest quarterbacks of all time.  Telling him that he’s too old or that he doesn’t have it anymore is probably going to just make him more determined to prove the doubters wrong.

I’m predicting Brady will be back with the Patriots next season.

Of course, I also predicted that the Patriots would beat the Titans last night.

Author: Jedadiah Leland

Film watcher, music lover, pop culture junkie. And you want to be my latex salesman?

2 thoughts on “Is It Time For Tom Brady To Retire?”

  1. Brady has had a fantastic career. With Belichik and many others, they’ve created something that may never be improved upon. But towards the end of the game, and after, the look on his face said everything, and leaving with a pick-6, he won’t allow that to be his final memory. He’s as determined as ever, and so long as his health and arm hold out, he’ll be back.
    No, he won’t go to the Chargers. His best chance of another Superbowl, or at least another playoff run, is with New England. They’ll hire him on one year at a time, and hopefully, get some better receivers. I would love to see the Gronk return, but his injuries might preclude.
    I wanted to mention one other thing. The old argument about whether Montana or Brady is the best quarterback. Brady has had the great opportunity to play more years, the result of referee protection, but at the same time, all the other quarterbacks have the same deal, and they haven’t won Superbowls. Montana won all 4 he played in, with two different coaches, and did well in Kansas City. He sustained many injuries, and still suffers for them, but he was also a scrambler and amazing tactician.
    However, the only real way to rate is post-season wins, but I would hazard to say that comparing quarterbacks of different eras is also difficult. For myself, I will go with Brady. 6 Superbowl wins and 9 appearances, and he never quits. But as individual athletes, both are amazing.

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